Chickens and Eggs


We raise happy hens, who lay delicious eggs. They are truly free range, they roam their own fenced pasture freely eating grass, plants and bugs. They have a large indoor barn and multiple outdoor shelters to escape the elements. We feed them non-gmo layer pellets. We do not feed our chickens table scraps because we have found their diet is quite sensitive and we want them to have the healthiest and happiest lives. Indiscriminate scrap feeding can cause bloated abdomens. Many resources we have read suggest keeping to their natural diet and feeding carefully professionally crafted feed is the best for their health. That being said, our kids can’t help tossing them a cob of corn, or bit of an apple once in a while. Our eggs are ungraded and carefully hand washed and personally inspected. We also use their manure in our compost pile to help keep our garden’s healthy.
